Price Per Sq Foot

Welcome to our UK price per square foot ranking page, your go-to destination for comprehensive insights into UK property and demographical statistical data.

Whether you're a prospective home buyer, seller, or simply interested in UK property market trends, our rankings offer valuable data to inform your decisions.

Average Size Square Foot These are the average size in square feet for each property in this area based on property listings and registered building data.

Price Per Square Foot These are the prices of sold properties divided by the average area in square feet for this area.

LSOA - There are 35,672 lower layer super output areas (LSOA) in England & Wales. Each LSOA represents ~1000 to ~3,000 people.

Last Updated: 16/09/2024

Rank Area Name County Avg Size Sq Foot Price Per Sq Foot


Birmingham 051GBirmingham310.10£1,978.49


Oldham 016DOldham272.24£1,976.94


Northumberland 010CNorthumberland275.39£1,898.99


Bradford 008BBradford306.69£1,886.36


Birmingham 037HBirmingham399.01£1,793.97


Newcastle upon Tyne 008GNewcastle upon Tyne213.28£1,778.82


Oldham 037AOldham484.25£1,778.23


Bradford 034EBradford502.75£1,771.63


Nottingham 023HNottingham0.00£177.20


Bradford 064ABradford382.05£1,472.03


Dudley 002CDudley4,159.46£550.42


Redbridge 032GRedbridge0.00£158.10


Sheffield 073ESheffield0.00£145.63

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